1. Love this! We must focus on Christ to protect ourselves from the assaults of the enemy. Just as a husband and wife slip away from each other if they don’t pay proper attention, so can our relationship with Him grow cold. Love your blog name, too… Sweeter Than Honey! And those bluebonnets… Are you in TX?

  2. You put to words something I was just pursuing last night. He is a wonderful God and like you say- there is much about Him that can captivate us in the best way. Love this! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Just this week, I’ve been praying that Psalm 119 prayer: “Open my eyes…” I want to be captivated by His love too, Dianne. It really brings the rest of life into perspective when we’re arrested by His love.

  4. Weddings captivate me, too. I’m assisting my daughter tomorrow in photographing a wedding, but this time I’ll be watching differently because my daughter herself is getting married in October and I want to be looking for ideas. 🙂 I’m so glad we serve a Savior who is captivating, too, and gives us so much grace to be thankful for in any given day!

  5. Such an encouraging word. It is so true that at times we can get so busy, we need the simple yet powerful reminder of how much God loves us. Grateful you brought the reminder today!

  6. Dianne Thornton says:

    Thanks for your kind words, Liz. We do have to protect ourselves and make Him a priority! (Thanks for loving my blog name … sometimes I wonder if it’s “right”!)

  7. Dianne Thornton says:

    Thanks, Bethany. I’ve been reading Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer … and a worship devotional by Jerry Bridges … focusing on God’s “otherness” … His transcendence … there is more to God than we can fathom!

  8. Dianne Thornton says:

    Thanks, Betsy … arrested … by His love. Such a good way to put it. A. W. Tozer says that when we see God — as He is (to the best of our ability) — we should absolutely — stop. Oh, how I want to see Him like that!

  9. Dianne Thornton says:

    Weddings are beautiful! I have a teenage daughter who has never been to a wedding and is desperate to go to one. She’ll never be the same after going to one! Enjoy your time with your daughter. <3 ... and I pray that you continue to be captivated by our Savior!

  10. Dianne Thornton says:

    Thanks, Joanne. Our most important relationships still need attention! Thanks for coming by today!

  11. Love this and love the song too! Thanks so much, Dianne! Only when we are captivated by God’s love does our life finally make sense and have meaning.

  12. God’s very own possession! This always captivates me. What a treasure we are in His eyes. You’ve said it well when we think of that groom waiting to touch the face of his bride. thank you…

  13. Beautiful Diane! My heart is for my kids and my prayer is that they will seek the Lord wholeheartedly. I enjoyed your list of moments that captivate you.

  14. Dianne Thornton says:

    Oh, my! Your gravatar is a plumeria! We are kindred spirits! Totally agree, Carlie. When I’m feeling a little off-center, that song sets me to rights pretty quickly … just remembering how beautiful Jesus is!

  15. Dianne Thornton says:

    Thank you, Christine. It seems the Lord keeps showing more verses that center around us as His very own. Blessings to you!

  16. Dianne Thornton says:

    Thanks, Natalie. I think that as we pray for our kids to love the Lord will all their hearts, we draw nearer to the heart of God. Because that is His desire for us as well. Thank you so much for coming by!

  17. Jeni LaGore says:

    Beautifully written, Dianne! Oh, to be captivated by Jesus! Thank you for sharing your favorite song, “Captivate Us.” I always enjoy expanding my library of intimate worship. If I could ask, what is the date of this blog? I may quote you for an epigraph in my chapter “Heavenly Captor,” in my upcoming book, if that is okay.

  18. Hi Jeni. So glad you enjoyed this post. I just re-read it and found myself smiling at some of the memories. This was written in June of 2016 and now those girls are young women!

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