When You Find Your Lost Treasure
Recently I read a story about a woman who lost one of her ten silver coins. Today, an ounce of silver is worth about the cost of a moderately priced meal. For this woman, each coin was worth about a day’s wage. She had lost 10% of her savings. The story says that she lit a lamp, swept the entire house, and searched carefully for it. When she finally found it, she invited her friends over and had a party (Luke 15:8-10)!
I see myself so clearly in this parable. Maybe because I’m a woman and the story is about a woman. But I’ve also lost items of value before–more than once.
A few years ago I lost my wedding ring. (Yes … it’s another one of those stories!) I had gotten into the habit of taking it off at the end of the day, and setting it down in one of several places. One evening I had done just that, and when I went to find it the next morning, I couldn’t. I looked in all the usual spots–to no avail. I had lost my ring a couple of times before; and thankfully, it turned up within a few hours–or days, at the most. Not this time.
Weeks went by, which turned into months. I was devastated. I realized that I had truly lost the one item that was priceless to me. Yes, it was a lovely, costly ring. But it meant more to my heart than any other “item” I owned.
One day my son needed a thumb drive for school. I pulled a spare out of my desk and asked if he wanted a split ring for it, so he could attach it to his lanyard. He did, so I pulled out my little bag of split ring findings and dumped them onto my desk. In the middle of the pile of findings lay my wedding ring.
At the beginning of the school year, I had pulled out this little bag for another split ring. Like every other day, I dumped everything out, and then scooped everything back into the little bag–along with my wedding ring.
At first, I was stunned! Then relieved. Finally–euphoria took over. I told everyone!
I think about that every time I read this parable. The sorrow of losing what you love is overwhelming. The joy of finding what was lost, is equally so.
Joy is overwhelming when you find your lost treasure. Share on XThe key is this …
In the same way, there is joy in the presence of God’s angels when even one sinner repents. (Luke 15:10)
When I read this parable, I see myself as the woman. The one who found her lost treasure.
But in reality, GOD is the One with the lost treasure.
Our lives, our souls are worth everything to him! He sent His Son, the Light of the World, into our darkness. He searches relentlessly for us. And when we respond to Him, He tells everyone. The angels rejoice with Him over the soul that was once lost, but is now His–forever!
You are His treasure! Is He yours? Share on XImage: Pixabay (Olga0403)
We don’t take time to think about God’s perspective, how much He loves us, and how much He rejoices when we come to Him for anything. Thanks, Dianne, for taking us there.
Thanks, Michelle. Have a blessed holiday!
Loved your story and it helped me relate to that Scripture even more!! Thanks for the practical example:) So good to learn more about joy!
So beautiful Dianne! Tears as you completed the image of our value to God. Thank you!
I’m so glad you found your ring :). I can relate to putting things in several places and then experience joy when I find them :).
Dianne, I’m glad your ring story had a happy ending after all. Thanks for the reminder that we are beloved to God. May we love Him more and more and live as the beloved daughters we are.
Blessings to you!
I chuckle as I read your story Dianne. I think of the panic that comes over us when we lose something so personal and valuable. I am thankful that our Savior views each one of us as a treasure to Him. May we always show love in return by seeking His will and following His leading willingly. Thank you for sharing. I’m glad you found your ring:) Have a fantastic weekend and may God bless you and yours during this holiday season.