1. My youngest just graduated from high school. I think I cried during everyone of her “lasts”, but her “last first day of school” was the toughest for me. Where did the time go? Kids grow up too fast! I hope your children have a wonderful senior year and I hope you enjoy every single one of their “lasts.”

  2. Dianne Thornton says:

    Your youngest! Oh, my … That will be me next year. Mine are all crammed together. Everything comes fast and furious around here. I want to teach them to finish well!

  3. Dianne, thank you for writing this post. I really needed this reminder and the scripture references to encourage me!

  4. Beautifully stated Dianne. I absolutely love this post! It is definitely something God wanted me to hear today. I know I need to press forward for a strong finish. I ask God to give me the wisdom and the courage to do what he has led me to do. I should do it with determination and not dread or insecurity. I know God watches over us to provide just what we need when we need it and today reading your post was just what I needed today. Thank you so much for sharing what God has laid on your heart. It was such an inspiration for me to read today. I hope you have a wonderful weekend! . May God richly bless you and yours as yours as you “finish”.

  5. Dianne you just brought back so many memories of our final school days and then college and now they are married and each have a son. Precious times and it does go so, so fast and it goes faster it seems after they pull out of the driveway for college and mama is in tears.

    I love finishing forward.

  6. This was wonderful and incredibly timely.

    Especially this: “In addition, Solomon warned against longing for the “good old days.” Certainly there is nothing wrong with enjoying our memories. Looking at pictures of my kids growing up brings great joy. But we don’t want to live in the past. When we finish the current task well, we are able to eagerly move forward to the next one and also finish it well. This is finishing forward.”

    Congratulations, by the way!

  7. I’m pressing on and finishing forward with you Dianne! Thanks so much for this! What a wonderful word of encouragement! Blessings and thank you so much for adding it to the Blog Hop! I’m so thankful for you!

  8. Our youngest graduated last month. Senior year will fly by, but it is a great year. All three of my kids really “came into their own” and matured so much that year. Now we are getting ready to begin a new thing as college move in day approaches. I love the phrase, “finishing forward!”

  9. Dianne Thornton says:

    So very glad, Christina. God’s Word is always on the mark!

  10. Dianne Thornton says:

    Thanks, Horace. I’m glad God spoke to you today. I need the message as well … I started writing a Bible study this summer and have a good ways to go before it’s finished. Summer and busy kids have me derailed. I know they are my priority, so I’m ok with that … I just don’t want to lose sight of my goals! Bless you, my friend!

  11. Dianne Thornton says:

    So true, Debbie. My youngest is at the computer right now applying for her first job! So proud of her … but she’ll be gone even more … but it’s what we want for them. Right? Praying she is diligent in her job!

  12. Dianne Thornton says:

    Thanks, Shelby. It’s great to have made it this far … but we still have 9 months of school! I’m glad for it, though … get to keep them around a while longer.

  13. Dianne Thornton says:


    I’m always blessed by your posts. And I love being a part of your blog hop. I’m glad you were encouraged today! Praying blessings on your weekend!

  14. Dianne Thornton says:

    That is so encouraging, Ginger. I’m eager to see how God moves in their lives this year. I can see serious marks of maturity already as they get ready to start the school year. An exciting time! Thanks for taking time to read and comment, Ginger!

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