Finishing What God Gives Us To Do
Yesterday I ran. I ran what used to be my daily 3.1-mile loop. I used to think that wasn’t a big deal. But yesterday was different. I hadn’t run that distance in several years.
I didn’t grow up being physically active. I hated the heat. Hated sweat. Hated being outside. How in the world did I survive Texas summers? Truthfully, I stayed inside. After three kids, my body showed it. Until God worked a miracle in my heart. I went from sedentary to active over the course of a year, and began to love the things I once hated. Only God can do that. I ran regularly for about five years, which included one marathon and one half-marathon.
Then injuries began to distract me. Injuries followed by simple laziness. Recapturing the motivation to be healthy again has been a major challenge. I would make a good start, and after some decent success, I quit. I was in a cycle of defeat. Until God worked a miracle in my heart, again. It’s been more difficult than I ever imagined.
For me, 2017 is about regaining a healthy mind and body. I changed my eating habits and go to the gym regularly. Recently I started running a little bit on the treadmill or home from the gym. Last night I considered getting up early and running my old morning route. I can’t remember the last time I did that.
My alarm went off at 6:00. I turned it off and rolled over. But a few minutes later, my husband (who is in Rio right now) “accidentally” face-timed me. Clearly, God wanted me out of bed doing what He placed in my heart and mind to do.
For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him. (Philippians 2:13)
It’s About Finishing
It was hard. And hot. And humid. But I had my music and my water. And God was with me. On a difficult run, there is one place I always look forward to—the point when going home is the shortest distance left to run. Although it was only three miles, yesterday was no different. As I rounded the curve into my last mile, God gave me a beautiful gift. A sunrise. That used to be one of my favorite things about running early in the morning. God reminded me, it’s not about beating a time or a split, but about finishing. I kept my eyes on that sunrise until I made it home.
Running, like any worthwhile activity, takes diligent effort. Pain is inevitable. Distractions are everywhere. In order to accomplish what we set out to do, we must maintain our focus.
Jesus is our example for maintaining focus in the Christian life. While enduring the Cross, He focused on the joy of His reward–His eternal throne and eternal life with us. While enduring our own trials, our focus is Jesus, the beginner and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:1-2). It’s not about hurrying through our trials. It’s not about learning a lesson quickly so we can move on to the next thing. Our trials are about maturing our faith, growing our endurance (James 1:2-3). Deepening our relationship with God (Psalm 37:39-40). All the while, focusing on the joy of our reward–eternal life with Jesus.
God is the Great Finisher
The last words Jesus spoke before He died were, “It is finished.” He had a mission, and He finished it (John 19:28-30). Toward the end of his life, the Apostle Paul told Timothy:
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful. (2 Timothy 4:7)
Paul faithfully finished the assignment God gave him. God has a plan for us, as well. We have the promise that what He begins, He finishes!
And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. (Philippians 1:6)
Throughout our lives, God gives us different things to do. I have an unfinished project. A couple of weeks ago, God used a verse in my quiet time to emphasize His desire for me to get busy and finish it. The verse is written to the Corinthians in the matter of their financial giving. But I know God was smiling when I read it.
Here is my advice: It would be good for you to finish what you started a year ago. (1 Corinthians 8:10)
Ugh … my project is a year old! And not finished! It’s not that far from complete, which makes the sting more sharp.
Finishing is not just about our faith. Yesterday it was about finishing a run. The rest of this year is about finishing that project! (As well as continuing to be faithful in my health and fitness goals.) Finishing is for everything God gives us to do.
What assignments has God given you? Where is your focus?
Let’s finish well, together!
It's about finishing what God gives us to do, while focusing on Jesus. Share on X
I’m impressed! Way to go! I love to walk. We live in a neighborhood that is great for walkers and runners, however, I’m not a great runner. Maybe one day! Right now, I walk and pray and talk to God as I admire the beauty around me. I believe it is such a blessing to spend time outdoors with His creations. The time I spend walking and reflecting help me stay focused on my mission. You are so right, distractions are everywhere and we need to maintain our focus to finish the race! Thank you for sharing!
Thank you so much for this article Dianne, I was truly blessed of God when I read it. It also reminds me of a situation in my life. I have been a member at Planet Fitness since April 2017 and I love it. I had even lost 12 lbs because of my love of it. Anyway, I went away for my birthday in July. When I came back from the trip I experienced a sharp pain on my left hip. A trip to emergency revealed a sciatic nerve issue. They told me to rest and take meds. The pain was excruciating. I found myself missing things like my workouts at PF and Bible study. During this time one of my Spiritual Sisters suggested that I go to a chiropractor. And oh how wonderful that has been. Recently I’ve been able to return to Planet Fitness which I truly love. I completely lose myself when I work out on the elliptical machine. I am in the God zone when I am there. I also found out that exercise is the best thing for me.
I said all this to say, God wants us to be healthy and I want that too.
Blessings to you and please continue to give us great stories like this that we all can identify with.
Your Sister In Christ
Faye Healey Goggins
Dianne, it’s always such a pleasure visiting your site. This is just what I needed to hear today. I’m so proud of you for getting back on the health track and running your 3 miles. You inspire me. Thanks for sharing the encouraging word I needed today. Blessings to you!
I can totally relate to your story on running and the injuries and laziness getting in the way. I’m so grateful that God never gives up on me even when I struggle to finish what I’ve started. Good for you to get back to working on your health goals. Slowly but surely I’m getting back to where I used to be!
I agree. Being outside is great, Robin. It’s some of the best “alone time with God.”
This a great story, Faye! So glad you found a chiro who was able to get you back in the gym. I love that you are in the “God-zone” when you are on the elliptical! Me, too!
Thanks, Carlie. I hope I’m able to run more without injury. But yes … the health track it is! I’m thankful that there are many ways we can be physically active and honor God with our bodies!
Good for you, Alida! Yes. God is loving and merciful … gently wooing us back into the places He wants us to be. Praying you meet success with your own health goals!
I love your story of perseverance in running. Things like that definitely take effort and I’m glad God has encouraged you to keep going. I certainly find it easy to get started and then to lose enthusiasm but keeping focused and finishing well are important.
Dear Dianne, you are an inspiration! Thank you for the gentle reminder to finish. Sometimes I get bogged down by trying to figure out exactly what “finished ” is. That’s when I have to re-examine my priorities to see if they are aligned to God’s will. Thanks for the encouragement to focus on Him.
I love how you tie getting back into exercising to our lives and what God has planned for us to do.
Thanks, Lesley. Now to persevere and run “again”! My sister and I were taking about this. Our caring for our health is something we really never “finish.” “Finishing” is continuing!!
I llive what Elisabeth Elliot says, “Do the next thing.” That always helps me in evaluating what the next priority is. Thanks for coming by today!
Definitely want to honor God in this!
Hi Dianne–I’m cheering for you! I’m not a runner at all, but I do like to walk. I pray while I’m walking, either outside or on the treadmill. Your post has inspired me to do just that this evening!
Dianne, well done going for your run. Keep at it! I don’t run but I do lots of other activities. In the winter I ski a lot! In between I work with a trainer. It gets to the point that my body cries out for physical exercise, just like my soul cries out for spiritual activity. You will get to that point, too, with your physical body. So, you go girl!
Yay, Sarah! I love seeing fellow walkers/runners outside. It’s great encouragement to keep going, or stretch to go a little farther! Glad we can do that here, as well!
Beautiful parallel, Rachel. I’ve experienced that … sometimes you need both at the same time! Thankful for iTunes & earbuds!
Dianne, way to go on that run! I’ve never been a runner. I’ve been trying to be better about walking some each day. I confess, I’m not as disciplined as I should be! You are encouraging me to be more intentional with this!
Yes, I have a project I’m working on. It’s been hard to work on it for a lot of reasons. But I’m trying to get back into a place where I can be faithful. Great post here!
I would like to thank you, for sharing your story. I have been set with a task that I have been afraid to finish. It is an everyday task. The only difference is that, I have struggled with it my entire life. Today I have started this task. It has gotten out of hand and overwhelming anxiety comes over me. It can be very stressful. Here it is the end of another year and new beginnings
I had a new task set before me. I have to speak and the title is “Finish the work”. This is how I came across your beautiful story. I thank God for you and your family. You are very encouraging. Thank you again.
Stacey, So glad the Lord used this for you. (Although a little late) Praying your speaking engagement goes well.