1. Karen Sebastian says:

    Great post. I can testify that God can re-open closed doors.

  2. Dianne Thornton says:

    That is great news, Karen! I do pray for that with this gal. Hard for me to see it … but thanks for that encouragement!

  3. Oh, boy, do I ever know the missed opportunity remorse feelings! It took me until my 40s to feel comfortable sharing my testimony with others and offering to pray with people (friends or strangers) who seemed in need of encouragement. All too often we think that the preachers, evangelists and missionaries are the only ones who can share the gospel.

  4. Dianne Thornton says:

    So true, Anita. Or we think we have to go on a mission trip. But God has given each of us our own mission field! Love you, Anita!

  5. I had never heard of the Wordless Book before – great resource.
    Our church has been involved in what we call the story project – we video a 3 minutes testimony using the 3 guidelines you shared. Then we show them in church and wow are they encouraging.
    That reminds me that I want to get mine done.

  6. Isn’t it crazy that the greatest gift we have ever been given is so hard to share! Thank you so much for the tips, I will be referring back!

  7. This is wonderful# I’ve been thinking alone these lines lately! You’re starting a ripple effect#

  8. Dianne Thornton says:

    Wow, Shary! That is too cool! Thrilled to be used by God! blessings on your Sunday!

  9. Dianne Thornton says:

    I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels that way! We can encourage each other!

  10. Great post! You are so right, how will they hear if we do not tell them! It is so important that we understand the gospel, teach it to ourselves, and share it with those around us!!

  11. Dianne Thornton says:

    We need God’s heart for the lost!

  12. I have a strong belief that our actions often speak the story of Jesus in our lives with more effectiveness than any words I could share. I don’t talk about my faith too much, but I do my best to live it out every day. I am certain your care and concern were meeting needs with your friend. Keep up the good work. (catching up on my #write31days reading.)

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