1. I love this! My first instinct is too get defensive, and forgiveness and grace is such a surprise!

  2. Hello again, CBB buddy! Ah, I know the deep regret of needing forgiveness and wanting so badly to start anew. Only God can do that, and I remember turning to this self same passage in need of renewal and a fresh start. And when your friend forgave you – what a burden was lifted, I’ll bet! There’s nothing like the gift of forgiveness for a troubled heart.
    Good words, Dianne! 🙂

  3. Romans 8:1 is one of my favorite verses of all time. Beautiful one to always remember x

  4. Forgiveness freely given. A beautiful model.

  5. Dianne Thornton says:

    It was a gift that day. Thanks for reading, Shary!

  6. Dianne Thornton says:

    Me, too, Rachel. I want to keep that mindset as I engage with others, especially my teenagers!

  7. Dianne Thornton says:

    Yes, it was a much lighter day for me … You know, when you’ve been forgiven, you forgive so much more easily. It was good for me to remember this event. I need to be forgiving more in my world.

  8. Dianne Thornton says:

    I think God likes to catch us off guard sometimes. And why forgiveness should be a surprise? (ouch!) Have a great weekend!!

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