Leaving the Good Stuff Behind
I don’t know about y’all, but in our area cake balls are a big deal. They are as popular as gourmet cupcakes. My girls love to make them. Personally, they are too rich for me. Apparently, one of my daughters now feels the same way. It’s surprising, because she is the one who loves sweets!
A grocer in our area makes these. Knowing how much my kids like them, I thought they’d make a great treat. I bought one for each of my teens, and they ate them up. A few weeks later, I decided it was time for another treat, so I came home with a few more. One, however, remained on its placemat for more than two weeks. Each time I walked by and saw this this tasty treat sitting on the table, I was reminded how often we leave the good stuff behind.
What is the good stuff?
It’s a thought-provoking question, and the answer is probably different for each one of us.
I believe that our society’s most valuable commodity is time. I know it is for me. It’s the good stuff I guard most closely. That said, how I spend my time indicates what other things I value the most.
Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be. (Matthew 6:21)
I love time with my husband. He came home from work a little while ago, and we both had significant things to share with one another. However, we were interrupted over and over again. I almost cried at one point because I couldn’t get through my story.
One of my daughters and her boyfriend will be wrestling with this issue in a few weeks. He plays football, she is in color guard. In addition to their games, they both have intense practice schedules. Finding time to be together–what they consider most precious–will have to be a priority in order for their relationship to continue to grow.
Time is my most valuable treasure. I guard it. And when it’s threatened, I react. But time is also what I mindlessly fritter away. Makes no sense, right? But it’s true.
Social media begs for my attention. It isn’t a bad thing. It allows me to keep in touch with family and friends I don’t see very often. But do I really need to know which color is my personality? Which First Lady I am most like? What my favorite cookie says about me? Do I need to read one more political article about things that are distressing? Really. One is enough.
I love to read novels! There are times, though, when I find myself wanting to “read just one more book,” when what I ought to be doing is focusing on my family, giving my time to talkative teens, preparing a blog post, or working on my Bible study.
Rest and recreation. Both are necessary ways we use our time. But when are we leaving behind the good stuff in exchange for other things. It’s always a trade-off.
What am I leaving behind?
My Bible study and devotional material are in a basket next to a recliner in my living room. Often, I end up with a little stack of books on my end table. Every time I walk by, I see them. If it’s early in the morning, they beckon me to sit down and spend time with the Lord. It’s my favorite part of the day. It’s quiet. No one is clamoring for my attention.
God’s Word is alive–ready to speak–if I will listen. Ready to show me more of who He is, allowing me to know Him and His ways better. It’s the starting point, and the return point, for a growing relationship with Him.
But there are days that, for whatever reason, I get started on the wrong foot and don’t make it to that chair and that basket of goodies. Walking by and seeing that little stack of books reminds me that I missed something good.
For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation. (Psalm 100:5)
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. (Psalm 136:1)
O Lord, you are so good, so ready to forgive, so full of unfailing love for all who ask for your help. (Psalm 86:5)
I also miss the good stuff when I am so completely wrapped up in my world that I can’t see others around me and their needs. If you have ever been sensitive to a particular need, gone out of your way to meet it (especially discreetly), and seen the joy it brought–you know you’ve experience good stuff. I think God has those opportunities all along our path. But we must have eyes to see them.
And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God. (Hebrews 13:16)
God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)
When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality. (Romans 12:13)
The Bottom Line …
What is the good stuff that God wants you investing your time in? Is it your relationship with Him? (Yes! This!!) A new ministry avenue? A new (or old) friend? A family member? Don’t leave it behind. Embrace it and experience the joy He’s waiting to give!
Are you leaving the good stuff behind? Share on XTaste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him! (Psalm 34:8)
Pocket watch & older woman images courtesy of Pixabay.
Yes, too often I leave the good stuff behind. I can fritter some time away too. Thank you for a thought-provoking post today.
This is a good word, Diane. I want the good stuff too. It’s easy to go after fluff instead, but so important to live our lives according to our real priorities. (I’m not a cake pop fan, but my kids love them!) #GraceandTruth
Thanks for coming by, Ginger.
It’s a balancing act, isn’t it? These sugar-crazed teens! (Well, I love my own treats, they just aren’t these!)
Wonderful challenging and convicting post, Dianne. I’m sure each of us has been there…Knowing how precious that time is, yet frittering it away like sands through the hourglass…
Thanks for linking up with Grace & Truth this week!
God bless,