1. Yes, too often I leave the good stuff behind. I can fritter some time away too. Thank you for a thought-provoking post today.

  2. This is a good word, Diane. I want the good stuff too. It’s easy to go after fluff instead, but so important to live our lives according to our real priorities. (I’m not a cake pop fan, but my kids love them!) #GraceandTruth

  3. Dianne Thornton says:

    Thanks for coming by, Ginger.

  4. Dianne Thornton says:

    It’s a balancing act, isn’t it? These sugar-crazed teens! (Well, I love my own treats, they just aren’t these!)

  5. Wonderful challenging and convicting post, Dianne. I’m sure each of us has been there…Knowing how precious that time is, yet frittering it away like sands through the hourglass…
    Thanks for linking up with Grace & Truth this week!
    God bless,

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