1. Sorry. I messed up on the post. Coming to you from Truth and Grace. What a beautiful and thoughtful post to remind us to enter into the every day with Him: messy desk and all. We are sisters in more ways than one. I too thought of the cross this morning and was led to write about it. You are a blessings and certainly called to write and teach. RY Chris writing to you from a yielded heart.http://www.christinemalkemes.com/be-holy/

  2. I love these beautiful words! Remember the cross seems simple enough but it has me thinking about my own day. It started with quiet one on one time with God but since then…. Hmmmm! I will be pondering your words tonight but I will be pausing to remember the cross. Good luck with everything this weekend!

  3. Sweet Dianne, didn’t I tell you I was looking forward to your next word? And oh what a good one it is. You’re on to something that we all need.
    I am often guilty of rushing through my quiet time only to feel helpless and harassed throughout the day. Yet the cross has such power to transform if only I would let it. Thank you so much for allowing God to speak powerfully to your heart and sharing your lesson with us.
    Praying that God gives you more than enough ‘strength for the journey’ this weekend and during this very busy season.

  4. Dianne Thornton says:

    Oh, Christine. I’m blessed and encouraged by your words. Thank you! Blessings to you on your weekend.

  5. Dianne Thornton says:

    It’s amazing how easy it is to move into auto-pilot, Mary. Thanks for the well wishes! We are off and running!!

  6. Dianne Thornton says:

    Thank you, Marva. Even with the best starts, our days can become frantic! Love you friend and thanks for the prayers.

  7. Thank you for the reminder, Diane! You’re so observant about the visual reminders during Christmas and the lack of them during Easter. I feel called to be more aware now.

  8. I really like that “stopping and gazing” and the idea that you can have your devotional time, but are you carrying it with you. That’s really convicting. I am glad you shared this.

  9. Dianne Thornton says:

    It’s a challenge in our busy culture. But we can do it if we purpose to!

  10. Dianne Thornton says:

    Thanks, Natalie. I’m glad it was meaningful for you. It is definitely a challenge to keep our eyes on Jesus when so many other things call for our attention!

  11. Dianne, I’m so glad Arabah featured this today on Grace and Truth. I didn’t want to miss it. The song “He’s a Good Good Father?” I love it and also listened to it daily for months last summer and fall.

    Thanks for your encouragement here to stop and remember the cross. Just 2 days ago I read from Hebrews 1: “But we do see Jesus, made lower than the angels for a little while, crowned with glory because he suffered death so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.”

    It’s true that there’s not a lot around to remind us of Easter.

  12. Dianne Thornton says:

    Thanks, Betsy. Obviously I’m a little late to the party … I thought this was a “new” song … But God knew when I would need it. He’s so *good* that way. The Scripture from Hebrews is beautiful … One to read and savor. Thanks so much for sharing that here.

  13. The theme that I am known by God is playing through my world right now and the CT song you shared continues the melody. Thank you for sharing! I thought I was a busy lady until I read all that you have on your plate! May God’s hand be upon all you do, Dianne, as you seek to honor Him. Blessings.

  14. Dianne Thornton says:

    Thanks, June. This week has been markedly slower. 🙂 So glad you are able to focus on God’s *knowing you*.

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