1. Beautiful post! This is consistent with what God has been speaking about. Look forward to following your blog!

  2. I love it…and I did have my “own thing” come into my head… off to strip off a few things! Thanks.

  3. mary alice says:

    I have learned and been encouraged by each one of your posts. Today’s is SO encouraging. Emory ran the last 10k with us and by the end he said even his shirt felt heavy(it was 88 degrees at 9:00!!!). Even small obstacles that don’t seem like that big of a deal can keep me from doing my best. And I so want to hear that “Well done!”.
    Thank you for this!

  4. Running into an unseen spider web is such a great analogy for the “sin that easily entangles”. Thanks for the word picture!

  5. Dianne Thornton says:

    It’s the first one that came to mind! They are soo gross! Thanks for coming by and for following, Elizabeth! Headed over to find you!!

  6. Dianne Thornton says:

    Thanks, Mary Alice! A soaked, cotton shirt is certainly something that gets heavy after a good amount of sweat! I know it all too well. I think Houston weather is a good classroom for God to teach us these kinds of lessons. 🙂

  7. Dianne Thornton says:

    Love you, Tammy! Praying you and God have/had a sweet time together!

  8. Dianne Thornton says:

    I love it when God does that … He has a way of making sure we HEAR HIM!

  9. The obstacles you mention are important and not always what I think of as being obstacles. It has got me thinking…thank you!

  10. I will be thinking and pondering “obstacles” …. I know I have a few or a hundred! 😉

  11. GiGiMandy says:

    It’s so true that most of the time we are causing our own obstacles. Even at times, we ask God or the path, but we really don’t want His opinion, we want His stamp of approval on our opinion.

  12. Dianne Thornton says:

    Susan, Sometimes when God starts showing me those obstacles, I get overwhelmed at how many there are! Thankfully, He’s patient with us!!

  13. Dianne Thornton says:

    One of my Precepts instructors said that our best teaching is an overflow of what God is doing in our own lives. So …. 😉

  14. Dianne Thornton says:

    True that!!!

  15. I can so relate with this post thank you for encouraging me to refocus and keep Him at the center of all I do!

  16. I am running with obstacles. I want to do so much for the Lord, but I know He wants me to rest in Him and sit at His feet like Mary did when Martha complained that she would not help her. Jesus said to leave her alone she had chosen the better thing. I agree we can get so encumbered in writing, blogging, and commenting, we lose sight of why we are blogging: to point others to Him.

  17. Some great real life analogies there. I’ve been reflecting on this as part of my series too and definitely don’t like what comes up under an honest look at times!! Those “capacity blockers” can be so large but also really subtle.

  18. Yeah, OK. Ouch. I may have a few obstacles. Most of mine are ‘good things’ that just take over my life! Good thoughts here, thanks!

  19. Dianne Thornton says:

    I think we all need reminders. October is the busiest month for my family. This 31 series has been great for keeping me focused!

  20. Dianne Thornton says:

    True, true, Mary. And then we’re left empty and exhausted. Thanks for adding that here. I need it!

  21. Dianne Thornton says:

    In my flower beds at home I have the regular chore if pulling weeds. I’m always amazed at how different weeds crop up around different plants … And the weeds look so similar to the plant you want to keep. When my kids are helping out, I have to be sure and show them what stays and what goes. (Sounds like a future post!) Our enemy is excellent at subtlety. Thanks for commenting!

  22. Dianne Thornton says:

    Oh, Carol! I’m with you on that!!!

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