1. YES! God spoke to me earlier this year about this! False humility is in itself sinful because it is not giving God glory and honor for all He has done in and through you. Recognizing your talents and living through them and being proud of that is honoring God’s work. Do we think God expects Billy Graham or Beth Moore to be like, “I haven’t really done much with my ministry”? HECK NO! God expects them to be like, “Look at all God has done with my ministry! Look at how He has used me!”

  2. Oh thank you! I never put the emphasis on the “Marked out for you” part of that verse. That takes weight off shoulders. A wonderful reminder that we all have our own gifts and strengths and paths. Thank you!

  3. Great post! And wow, I can’t imagine running a marathon. That takes some serious mental fortitude.

  4. Dianne Thornton says:

    God is Awesome! He uses the weak to shame the proud … it’s wonderful to be weak in His hands and point glory to Him!

  5. Dianne Thornton says:

    Sarah, a big YES to that weight that just fell off. Now we can run stronger! 🙂

  6. Dianne Thornton says:

    It was tough … but one of those things God called me to … so He would receive glory. When He calls, He equips!

  7. Great post! I’ve seen many comparing their writing to others on this #write31days… I appreciate the reminder that my race is MY OWN and no one else’s. Keep up the good work!

  8. Dianne Thornton says:

    Good word, Tammy. I’ve caught myself a few times thinking … all these women have done this at least once before … probably since it started … blah blah blah … Yes … we are here to please ONE and ONE only!

  9. Yes, yes, yes! We bring so many problems on ourselves when we compare ourselves to others. It’s ok to look and learn, but we need to avoid the “poor me” syndrome if we don’t feel we measure up. He gives His grace for whatever He wants us to do, and that’s all we need. I love how you brought out the different kinds of runs – great analogy. And I agree there’s a difference between being satisfied in a job well done or seeing how God has used something vs. personal pride.

  10. Dianne Thornton says:

    Sorry, I’m late replying, Barbara! I thought I had. That “poor me” syndrome is another trap, isn’t it! Thanks fir chiming in!

  11. Marva @ sunSPARKLEshine says:

    Oh, Dianne, how I needed to hear that! I have a race that’s marked out just for me. When I focus on that race, I will be satisfied and complete. Thank you, my friend.

  12. Dianne Thornton says:

    Yes, Marva! Jesus is so sweet to us. And He runs along side!!

  13. Dianne…Loved this today. How true that our race is unique to us as God designed it to be. It sure humbles the heart, doesn’t it? Thank you for a great post. Sharing it on my blog FB page. (Fellow CBB-er)

  14. Dianne Thornton says:

    Thanks for sharing, Naomi.

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