The Christian Life
Meaningful Quiet Times, Consistent Bible Study, Praying with Purpose— these deepen our relationship with God. The Christian life is where we walk it all out. When God’s Word changes us, we treat others differently. We love more sincerely. We forgive more readily. We move to meet needs more quickly. As a result, the world sees Jesus in action. How will others know that a relationship with God makes a difference, if they don’t see it?
In these posts you’ll find encouragement as you wrestle with brokenness, forgiveness, struggles, and suffering. You’ll be challenged as you grow in godly character and spiritual intimacy. And you’ll find hope. Many posts show my spiritual growth in the Christian life as a mom of teenagers. (Can you relate?)
The Challenge of Holiness in a Postmodern Culture
How do we live a life of holiness amid our current culture? Do we even know what holiness is? What…
A Christmas Meditation — “O Come All Ye Faithful”
How often do we sing songs without paying attention to the lyrics? It’s easy to do, especially with songs we’ve…
New Devotional: Unwrapping the Best Gifts of Christmas
Are you sensing the anticipation that comes with the holidays, which is just around the corner? Neighborhoods are gearing up…
How to Experience God’s Blessing in Your Life Today
When I was in college, a popular response to the greeting, how are you? was, “I’m blessed and highly favored!”…
What Is the Difference Between Praise, Thanksgiving, and Worship?
New believers ask the best questions! Not only do they add excitement to Bible study meetings, but they challenge us…
Do You Want Personal Revival Too?
There is much excitement surrounding the revival occurring at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. Soon after Asbury’s started, nearby Lee…
God Keeps Every Promise He Makes
Recently, my husband, Tim, and I began leading a small group with our church. Both of us have led groups…
Essential Gear for Standing Firm in Spiritual Battles
When my girls were in Color Guard, my kitchen table was always a disaster. I know you aren’t supposed to…
How Loving God Influences Every Part of Our Lives
Have you ever heard of the Shema? (pronounced sheh-mah) I knew it was a daily Hebrew prayer, but that’s about…
Are You Searching for that Christmas Feeling?
Not too long ago, I made a trip to Houston. I drove near The Galleria, a favorite shopping place for…
9 Truths About the Enneagram and Personality Typing
Transformation. Change. We leave the old behind and embrace the new. The vast majority of social media posts with a…
How Our Words Can Brighten Our World
Where would we be without words? We use them constantly. We speak and think them. And we write and text…
Are You A Rule Follower?
Are you a rule follower? There are rules for everything. Rules for games and sports. Rules for punctuation, and rules for…
Celebrating One Year Alcohol Free!
I debated whether to write this post. In fact, I’m a little nervous about how life will go once I…
From Empty to Filled with Joy
Often feeling empty and distant from the Lord is caused by our not spending quality time with Him every day. Our…
5 Ways to Get an Infusion of Hope
We work our bodies hard to build strong muscles. We eat the right foods to keep our body systems healthy….
Carrying The Fragrance of Christ
“Mmmmm. You smell like you. I like this.” After parenting for almost twenty years, a contented sigh and these words…
When You’re Stuck In A Muddy Pit
Living on the Gulf Coast affords lots of opportunities to enjoy things that are uniquely Texas. Galveston Island is less…
When We Sacrifice Because of Love
Love is in the air. Dove chocolate now takes the shape of hearts. Stuffed frogs with pink, kissy lips beg…
Wishing You Christmas Joy!
Joy. I don’t know of a more delightful word. Just saying it does something inside me. Christmas Joy is extra…
Jesus Is the Gift of WONDERFUL
What’s in a name? Expectant parents spend hours determining the just-right name for their child, giving great thought to its…
Anticipating The Birth Of The Son
Long ago a young Jewish girl received some startling news. As a virgin, she would conceive and give birth to…
Your Christmas Lights Chase The Darkness Away
On a typical evening, like most neighborhoods, ours is relatively dark. Sparsely spaced streetlights and occasional porch lights provide minimal…
When You Need New Glasses
A few mornings ago I was reading through my quiet time material, and I realized that I need new glasses….
Chosen ON Purpose, FOR A Purpose
We don’t make choices accidentally. Sure, accidents happen. But when we make a choice, we do so on purpose for…
An Invitation to Worship
When I think of the word worship, my first thought is music. Oh, how I love music. There are so…
An Invitation to Radical Intimacy with God
Intimacy. To be completely known, accepted, and loved. It’s one of our most basic needs. No matter what else is going…
Finishing What God Gives Us To Do
Yesterday I ran. I ran what used to be my daily 3.1-mile loop. I used to think that wasn’t a…
At Home in God’s House
How often do you welcome guests with the following words: Come in! Make yourself at home! When we say those…
When I Sin On Purpose
This summer God wooed me to a study of some of the most treasured promises found in Scripture. This one…
This Is What We Raise Them For
This week was filled with the last of the lasts for my twin high school seniors. They officially “checked out” of…
Treasure Your Teens by Entering Their World
When I was a teenager, my mom was my best friend. God blessed me with three Christian girl-friends from church,…
The Only Thing That Is Mine
One of the first words little children learn is the word mine. It’s not just the word either. They learn…
Do You Know How Much You Are Loved?
Do you know how much you are loved? From time to time, all of us wonder if we are truly…
When Blessing Others Becomes Second Nature
Last week I shared about the importance of blessing others with our spoken words. God continues to show me its significance, especially…
Blessing Others With Our Spoken Words
Sometimes God is so intent on your “getting something” that He practically bombards you with it at every turn. That’s what…
God Watches To Make Sure His Plans Are Fulfilled
In my previous post, I mentioned that one of my kiddos is facing a bunch of obstacles. She’s working her…
In a Storm of Change, What Is Your Anchor?
I’m living in a storm of change. Changes with my parents. Changes with Tim’s parents. Changes with my kids. An increase…
Do You Bear the Family Resemblance?
I love to see a family resemblance. Whether it’s in my own family or someone else’s, I always smile when I catch…
Help When You Need It
A few weeks ago God gave me an assignment. Not one that I didn’t have experience for. But one that…
3 Steps for Giving the Gift of Peace
I thought I was finished blogging for the year with the Christmas post I published a couple of weeks ago. But then,…
How To Keep Focused On Christ This Christmas
One year our family took a Christmas trip to New York City … Wow. New York is an incredible place…
A Not-So Silent Night
Silent night, holy night. All is calm, all is bright. Sounds a lot like most of the nativity sets I…
When You Find Your Lost Treasure
Recently I read a story about a woman who lost one of her ten silver coins. Today, an ounce of silver is…
Freedom in Wide Open Spaces
For many years I traveled Houston freeways to and from work–eighty miles round trip. I was good at it, too–fearlessly…
The Perfect Gift
“Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above; it comes down from the Father of lights [the Creator…
Your Guide On The Unlit Path
Our family did a lot of camping when our kids were young. Yep. Real tent camping. We usually arrived at…
3 Simple Ways to Please God
When I was in college, I was caught up in external, visible displays of my faith. So much so, that I felt it was my calling to “check up” on the people in my circle of influence. I would often greet friends with, “Hi Lisa! How are you today? How was your quiet time?” And if she looked at me funny and said, “Quiet time? I didn’t have one today,”
God Has The Best Plan
Often I hear people say, “God is good.” And He is! But it doesn’t always feel like it. In recent years, I hear more people saying, “God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good.” And He is! Even when it doesn’t feel like it. I’m learning that in a new way these days–that God has the best plan. It’s not really a “new lesson.” But God has me back in the classroom of life, learning to trusting Him with His plans for me.
When God Supplies All You Need
Two weeks ago, my dad and I headed off on a road trip together to attend the funeral of his older brother. Although the reason for the trip was a sad one, the time I shared with my dad was a treasure. When I was young, our family took lots of trips together, arriving at our destinations late into the night. For this trip, we originally scheduled two days of driving, so that we wouldn’t do that and then be too tired when we arrived. By dinnertime, however, we decided that in this case, it was best to push ahead so we would be more rested the next day, rather than tired from driving. I knew I needed strength that only God supplies.
A Curve In The Road
My dad’s brother passed away yesterday and we are on our way to the out-of-state funeral. That said, though I have been kind of silent on my blog for a bit, there will be a little more. But I wanted to leave you with a brief note, letting you know where I am–and to ask you to remember my family in your prayers. I’m blessed to have my daddy with me. He and I will be enjoying a road trip together for the next few days.
When You Are So Empty, Your Heart Hurts
My son’s wallet was stolen, and he experienced the loss on many levels. Lost cash, lost Drivers License, lost time with his girlfriend. Lost time for me, too. Hanging out at the DMV all day is pretty much the opposite of how we wanted to spend one of our last days of summer. Standing for hours, sitting for hours in chairs that make your tush go to sleep, engaging (or trying not to engage) with people who are looking for a reason to argue. Just ugh! The trip to the DMV turned into two trips to two different offices. In all, we waited over 5 hours…for 3 minutes of service.
Do You Need to Know? It’s OK Not to Know
Our family watches something on TV and an actor or actress appears on the screen. We think, Hey… who is that? What were they in? It niggles at my brain and I need to know! So I pull up my trusty movie database app, and find out who it is and where we’ve seen them.
When is that package arriving? No problem. I check the online shipping schedule, and can know within a few hours when a package will arrive at my house.
Finishing Forward
My two older kids just had their cap and gown pictures taken. A few days prior, my husband was going…
Are You Captivated By Love?
What captures your attention–and holds it? I don’t mean things that occupy your time or preoccupy your thoughts–like social media feeds, games,…
When You Want To Worry
My 16-year-old daughter just got her drivers license. What an exciting day! But it didn’t start out that way. It…
4 Practical Gifts Of Friendship In Action
I grew up in a medical family and the hospital was my second home. In some ways it still is….
Is Jesus Your Best Friend?
It’s been a couple of weeks since I posted. I have a growing list of post ideas, but none of…
3 Ways to Treasure Your Teenagers in the Midst of Frustration
I love people and love being with people. As the years go by, however, I find that I need more…
Have You Placed God In The Friend-Zone?
Not too long ago one of my daughters was telling me about a series of texts she had with a…
Are You and God Friends with Benefits?
A couple of weeks ago I was challenged to consider the idiom, friends with benefits, in regard to our relationship with…
A Small Victory for This Overly-Helpful Mom
A couple of days ago I blogged about a sentence one of my daughters wrote in my Mother’s Day card: “Thank…
When What You Want For Mother’s Day Changes
Yesterday was Mother’s Day—the day moms across America look forward to for 364 days. Breakfast in bed. Someone else to…
Did You Remember The Cross Today?
Working at my desk, piled high with paperwork. Responding to about 20 texts, while simultaneously updating spreadsheets and to do…
Life Is The Classroom For Growing Godly Character
You’ve heard it. You may have even said it, “Praying for patience is dangerous, because the only way to learn…
Laying Down The Conductors Baton
I love music! I always have. If it wasn’t piano lessons, it was band. If it wasn’t band, it was…
A New Heart For A New Year
There’s nothing quite like starting over–especially with the freshness of a new heart. It’s like the first day of sunshine…
Is Your Life Salty, Or Do You Make People Salty?
It’s time for another teenage-idiom. I’m always a bit startled the first time I hear my teens use one of…
Immanuel – God WITH Us
I don’t know of a better way to wrap up my posts that focus on WITH, than looking at the…
Life WITH The Gift of Peace
Christmas Day is about a week away, and the airwaves are filled with Christmas music. One of the major themes…
Sharing Grief and Joy WITH Each Other
Have you ever broken a toe? Even your littlest toe? It’s easy to do. And once you’ve done that, you…
Run WITH Purpose in Every Step
Sometimes events in your life line up together and point a focused light beam in the direction you are supposed…
Filled WITH the Fruit of Faith
Have you ever visited a magnificent garden? The kind you see in movies? An expansive, perfectly manicured lawn. Walkways with…
3 Steps To Overflow WITH Thankfulness
It’s Friday before Thanksgiving in the US. In less than a week, most of here will gather with friends and family…
Filled WITH Awe And Wonder
What makes you stop in your tracks–in wonder and awe? A newborn baby? A perfectly shaped Hibiscus bloom? A masterpiece…
WITH The Lord, Is Unfailing Love And Full Redemption
It seems like while I was “with my withouts,” a lot of other things were without me! A dear friend…
There Is No Substitute For Live-Giving Blood
I was a little nervous going into the Blood Center yesterday. I shouldn’t have been, though. I have great veins,…
Because of Jesus, We Are WITHOUT Blemish!
Our culture is preoccupied with personal perfection and physical beauty. The lengths people go to in order to achieve the look…
WITHOUT Blood There Is No Forgiveness
In fact, according to the law of Moses, nearly everything was purified with blood. For without the shedding of blood,…
WITHOUT Me You Can Do Nothing
We have a lot of trees and plants in our yard. A couple of times a year we do major…
WITHOUT God There is Nothing!
He made it all! Everything you see. The sun and the sky. The moon and the stars. Mountains and seas….
Faith WITHOUT Good Works is Useless
Have you ever been grocery shopping for your evening meal and had someone come to mind and you thought, Hmmm….
Plans Fail WITHOUT Wisdom and Guidance
Success requires planning. Plain and simple. There is no way around it. From something as simple as getting your week’s…
Not a Sparrow Falls WITHOUT Your Father Knowing
“What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without…
WITH Great Joy, WITHOUT a Single Fault!
It’s been a long time since I’ve participated in Kate’s Five-Minute-Friday link-up group. And it’s a JOY to be able…
Only One WITHOUT Sin Can Judge
Caught! Red-handed. Every reason to be pronounced, Guilty! There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, (Romans…
They Speak WITHOUT Saying A Word
Our family loves to camp. Preferably some place where it’s quiet and city lights are far away. We are blessed…
Like Sheep WITHOUT a Shepherd
Have you ever seen this? A person walking down the hallway, a grocery aisle, maybe even through a parking lot….
God’s Word Always Accomplishes Everything He Intends
I LOVE GOD’S WORD. It is true. It is faithful. It is alive! It is powerful for changing our lives….
How Will They Hear WITHOUT Someone Telling Them?
You’re at dinner with some friends. Or maybe you are standing in a long line at the grocery store. Maybe…
Repentance WITHOUT Regret
Thank God we who are in Christ are not condemned! So now there is no condemnation for those who belong…
In Christ, You Are WITHOUT Condemnation!
Many years ago I messed up pretty big. (Well, it happens much more often than I’d like to admit.) But…
We Can’t Please God WITHOUT Faith
The assignment was due at 11:59 p.m. She uploaded it a few minutes after 11:00. Then…I heard a gasp and,…
We don’t talk about hope when all is going well. When things are cookin’ along smoothly, there is no reason to….
Jesus–Our Lamb WITHOUT Blemish
Have you ever been in a situation where you were stuck and needed a way out? Maybe you overcommitted yourself….
Are You Building WITHOUT a Solid Foundation?
It was a beautiful, spring day. Our family decided to have a picnic on the Bolivar Peninsula. We took the ferry…
Running Your Race WITHOUT Obstacles
I ran out to the backyard to get something without paying attention to what was in front of me. There is…
Quarrels Die WITHOUT Gossip
Our family loves to camp. My absolute favorite spot is at the campfire. I can sit there all day long….
Be Satisfied WITHOUT Comparing Yourself to Others
I don’t talk about my running days very much here on my blog, because … I’m not running anymore. And…