1. TAmmy McDonald says:

    You did such a wonderful job! I’m so happy God didn’t let you set it aside! One of the best posts!!!!

  2. Ana (@ANAWINSblog) says:

    I am so thankful for His blood!

  3. What an incredible message, Dianne! As I was reading your words, I found myself pausing just to thank JESUS for HIS blood. Thank you for sharing this, Love! GOD bless you, beautiful friend! 🙂

  4. Blood is life. Nothing but the blood of Jesus. 🙂
    Lovely post, thanks for sharing. Visiting you from the Faith and Friends Friday linkup. ((blessings))

  5. Dianne Thornton says:

    Thanks for coming by, Anastasia. Blessings to you!

  6. Dianne Thornton says:

    Thank you! Thanking Jesus with you!! have a blessed weekend!

  7. Dianne Thornton says:

    thanks for coming by, Brenda. Blessings to you!

  8. Dianne Thornton says:

    Thanks, Tammy. One thing I have observed/learned this month–is watching God’s timing. It was intended–for now. Thanks for the encouragement, Sister!

  9. Dianne, as soon as I saw your link at Blessing Counters, I knew I was heading over here. Because I was just trying to explain to the middle- and high-school girls in our GALs (Girls and Ladies) Sunday School class (and to the ladies, too, for that matter) the importance and necessity and significance of blood in God’s story and plan. We tend to read all those references to such bloody rituals in the OT and cringe. But it HAD to be that way, and Jesus, the Lamb, HAD to bleed for us, or the Great Rescue could not have been accomplished. But He did bleed, and IT IS FINISHED. Thank you for sharing this insight!

  10. What a great word, Dianne!

    I love how you explained the incredible power and amazing facets of our blood. And, then to connect it to the power and amazing facets of the blood of our Savior. Great post!

    As I was reading your post, a song kept running through my head, “The blood that gives me strength from day to day, it will never lose its power.”

    Came over on Grace and Truth.

    Hope you have a blessed day~

  11. Dianne Thornton says:

    I’m so glad it was timely for you. This post almost didn’t happen for those reasons you mentioned. But God would not let it go! Thanks for coming over!

  12. Ah yes… Life is in the Blood! Ours, sure… but ultimately and eternally – it’s in His! Great post! (I was a recipient of a total blood transfusion at birth… it saved my life, way back then!) Good for you for giving!

  13. Loved this. As a teacher, I love the science aspect of blood, but then it really enhances our understanding of Christ’s blood. Thank you for this and for sticking with the challenge. You are encouraging many!

  14. Dianne Thornton says:

    Thanks for coming by, Beth.

  15. Dianne Thornton says:

    You have a special understanding about blood replacement! Thanks for coming by, Karrilee.

  16. Dianne Thornton says:

    Thanks for your encouragement to me, Leslie.

  17. I am thankful for this post about blood. How sweet of your dad to explain the importance of blood. How blessed we are to have God who gave His only son Jesus in sacrifice to save all of us. We are made whole by the blood of Jesus. Have a blessed weekend.

  18. Think about all the hymns over the ages written about the blood of Jesus. There is no remission of sin without the shedding of blood. Amen – beautiful post. One more day –

  19. Well researched post! I kept humming “wonder working power in the blood” as I read it. I’m so grateful for the blood of Jesus that He shed for me. Great post!

  20. Dianne Thornton says:

    Thanks, Robyn! Chris To Tomlin’s song, “Love Ran Red” (At the Cross) is the one running through my mind. I love that so many have songs that God out in their hearts as a result of this. ❤️

  21. Dianne Thornton says:

    Thanks, Melanie! This was fun to write. And that song … I haven’t sung it in years. It’s a goodie!! Blessings on your weekend!

  22. Dianne Thornton says:

    Thanks, Mary. blessed indeed. ((Hugs))

  23. Dianne Thornton says:

    I agree. It’s been neat to see which songs are in each of my commenters hearts. ❤️

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