Worshiping WITHOUT Anger
Sunday mornings in a house full of teenagers. Two showers, practically five adults getting ready at the same time. Three of them female. Two of them teenagers with long hair. One in peri-menopause who needs to shower first in order to escape the resulting heat left in the bathroom. It’s always a flurry of activity. Sometimes things don’t go so smoothly. Sometimes … things get downright rough. Then what? We’re supposed to go to church and worship!
Change the scenario. Still a family getting ready for church. But this family has small children who need help getting dressed. Maybe one has an unwavering opinion about what to wear. You know where I’m going. We’ve all been there.
Again. We head to church hoping to look like a family that is put together.
Then, we read verses like this.
Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands WITHOUT anger or disputing. (1 Timothy 2:8) [Emphasis added.]
I know that prayer and worship don’t always happen on Sunday. But when reading this verse, Sunday is the first thing that comes to mind. I don’t think God is telling us that we have to have a perfect family or perfect relationships in order to worship effectively in church. But I do think He wants us to do whatever we can to establish peace among ourselves.
If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. (Romans 12:18)
Because God wants our hearts right before Him.
Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spiritand in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth. (John 4:23-24)
Worship is a time to abandon ourselves and fully focus on God. When we approach God with a pure heart and worship Him, we come away changed, fresh–ready to go back into the fray that is our world.
There are times that only in the process of worship, whether it’s on a Sunday or not, am I able to let go of anger and

hurts to fully focus on God. Purposefully worshiping the Lord helps me see my situation clearly. It doesn’t change the situation, but it allows me to approach it with the mindset God wants me to.
Worshiping without anger is God’s plan for us. But sometimes, worship is the avenue to get there.
Worshiping WITHOUT anger is what God wants. Sometimes worship is the way to get there. Share on X
Oh Dianne…were you in my home this morning? Everyone headed off in a huff and frustrations mounting. Thank you for this shifted vision. Blessings to your family this Sunday morning!
Same to you, Tammy!
I feel so incredibly fortunate to have lived within a block of our church for the past 15 years–it takes a lot of stress off if no one has to wait for anyone else to get in the car ;). But that’s not the point you’re trying to make. My husband also loves to play music (the louder the better) as we get ready for church–it’s hard to be huffy when Toby Mac is singing about love!
I think our husbands would like each other!!
Thanks for your perspective check!
Boy, I need it, too!!
These words right here – “Worship is a time to abandon ourselves and fully focus on God. When we approach God with a pure heart and worship Him, we come away changed, fresh–ready to go back into the fray that is our world.” Amen. Praying we all worship everyday to center our focus and release any stress to God. Thank you or visiting me today. So glad to read these words today.
Oh goodness – how many christian homes are you describing here?! It actually makes me giggle a bit because, well, because it’s nice to hear that other families struggle to get to church in time to be ‘holy’ as well. How much damage have we done in that process? Oh for His grace to cover our effort at worship! 🙂
I know, Carol! Right?? (or … ikr!!) His grace covers so much … and He loves to give it. <3
Thanks, Mary … fully focused on God … “then the things of earth seem to disappear … in the light of His glory and grace …”
I know, right! Damage … ouch. A biting word. I know I’ve inflicted more than my share. I think Sundays are the devil’s playground!